
Our approach is inspired by play-based and progressive methodologies. We place high value on freedom of the child to explore and play through most of their day. Every child is unique and we are engaged in getting to know each one, as well as learning about how we can support each child as we move through our year. Teachers meet weekly to reflect on how children are engaging at preschool and in their social group(s).

Social and emotional learning is present in everything we do. We highly value the importance of early attachment and connected relationships for young children. We respect, and trust in, the child’s emotional process, while helping children solve their own problems. We are a non-punitive program. Our teachers are trained with careful attention to how best to support children in emotional moments; and to facilitate problem solving while holding important safety limits.

We incorporate democracy in the classroom, a progressive influence, supporting each child within the context of the group as an equal and valued voice.

Our philosophy is influenced by the parenting methods, Parent Effectiveness Training and Hand in Hand Parenting, as well as the educational methodologies Reggio Emilia and Montessori. Our approach with children is based on social constructivist theory and it is also aligned with principals around authentic connections with children, and current neuroscience about supporting emotional regulation.


We all learn better through activities we are already interested in pursuing. This is especially true for children. At Caterpillar Cottage, children are supported in developing their cognitive, social/emotional and physical capacities through the activities and play they choose. A wide variety of developmentally supportive activities are available in both indoor and outdoor free choice times, which is most of the preschool day. Our teachers select these activities with careful attention to the interests and needs of the group in a variety of forms: small group projects, individual choice, and group play. Children also engage in a Circle Time gathering each day, where they sing songs, move or dance, listen to a story, watch a puppet show or engage in activities such as science experiences or perhaps discussing a social conflict or playground rule.

Children are inherently driven to learn, explore and create. It is our work to support that intrinsic love of learning. Just like us, children can better absorb a variety of concepts when they learn through interesting, pertinent, practical, hands-on exploration. Here is one example of integrated learning:


THE ICE CREAM SHOP. Some children pulled out the large blocks in the yard and built a structure for their “Ice Cream Shop” where they took on roles of cashier, customer and even traffic officer. In this kind of play, children are using their whole bodies (large muscles) to construct, problem-solve and collaborate. They are experiencing a bit of what it’s like to purchase things, and they start to understand trade or currency exchange. When they make receipts, a sign, or a menu, this is one way they start to learn about literacy and communication through writing. Children are engaged physically, socially, and cognitively. They are developing sequence and number sense, turn-taking, authority, negotiation skills, and more.


“An incredible, life-changing experience for parent and child alike.”

Caterpillar parent


"The fact is that people are good. Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior."
- Abraham Maslow