2024-25 Tuition Rates
Daily schedule is 8:30am - 12:30pm
Extended care program until 2:30pm is available for some schedules.
$780 per month for Tuesday/Thursday (2 days/week)
$1,170 per month for Monday/Wednesday/Friday (3 days/week)
$1,950 per month for Monday - Friday (5 days/week)
If tuition cost is prohibitive for your family's enrollment, we do provide a sliding scale, on occasion, for families in need if necessary and we can connect about that in more detail. Our teacher ratios, small group size, and attention to each child drives the cost of our program higher than some programs, but we do strive to make this program accessible for families by adding fundraising into our yearly efforts.
School Calendar
School is in session between September (day after Labor day) and ends in the last 2 weeks of June. A shortened summer session is available for four weeks in July.
Please request a current school year calendar for specific school holidays and inservice dates.
Schedule a Tour
To schedule a tour, join the list for the next open house, or get more information please complete the form below or email Heather at heather@caterpillarcottage.com.
“The teachers are all amazing! So in tune with each unique child's needs and staffed with a low child to teacher ratio so they are positioned to truly guide the social / emotional development of each little learner!”
caterpillar parent
"It is nothing short of a miracle that modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry."
-Albert Einstein